Sunday, February 1, 2009

By the way

I just discovered comments on other posts. My other blog sends me e-mails when comments get posted and I forgot to set this one to do the same. So to respond to some of the comments:

I changed the pee cue because it just didn't come naturally to say thhhh and I always wanted to say shhh instead, but the slight whistling "ssss" sound is working well. I like the chusheng idea so if the low whistle I started using the other day doesn't work out, I'll try that. Thanks, Courtney!

And to answer Laina's question, we do use diapers, but I hope we won't need to by the time she's about 6 or 8 months old. Earlier would be better, but I don't think this will all really and truly come together until I'm not in school. I think we can make some progress on it until then, but I think that to perfect it, I need to not have such an insane schedule. Maybe we can, but if we don't, I won't give up on it. According to this philosophy, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not an all-or-nothing kind of thing. Some people never use diapers, some people don't even start until their baby is a few months old, some people use diapers when they're out and about but nothing when they're home. But most people abandon the diapers sometime in the first year when they realize they just don't need them. Looking forward to that!

Thanks for your support and encouragement! I don't feel brave or dedicated or cool for doing this; for me, it's the easy way out of potty training! Well, that and that it just seems like the right thing to do for us since the regular potty training age is such a hard time for my relationships with my kids anyway; I don't know if it's the age or the potty training, but potty training issues were the first time I ever got really frustrated with my kids. I felt like it really damaged our realationships. And it could have just been the age and them trying to be independent, but I really just felt like they were at war with me over the whole potty thing and I don't want to damage my relationships with my kids like that! So when I found a potential solution, it just made sense. It's more fear than courage that drives me. But thanks for thinking I'm cool and brave!

1 comment:

  1. Umm I don't think you are cool or brave or anything like that. I actually think you are kind of a lamo...HAHAHAHA I know its mean but its my job as your little sister to make you feel not at cool as ME.

    Actually this is super interesting to me and I think it is totally cool. I don't know if you remember when you were telling Toby and I about this and we were both interested, But if this works out for you I told you that I would try it and Ill stick to it. If you can do it I will try it....(your stronger than I am)

    Love you and I miss you a ton.
