Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My bad. Oops. Alaina was in the tub a little bit ago and she signed potty to me. I had just pulled off a poopy diaper before I put her in the tub so I figured that she had probably peed in the tub. But then a minute later, she was crying and fussing and when I went in to see why, she'd pooped in the tub! She really hates being in the tub with her poop, so maybe that motivated her to tell me she had to go preemptively. At any rate, I think I'll start putting her in the tub any time I know she has to go. Then maybe we can finally get a catch!

Then, just now she signed potty to me again and at the same time she tooted. I took her to go potty and her toot had been juicy. She didn't go, but she's doing better with signing! Yay!

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