Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Perfect Catch!!

Okay, that's kind of a funny-looking picture of Alaina, but I like it anyway. Look at those bright eyes!

Woohoo! I haven't been trying too hard lately. I feel like I've laid a good foundation and that it's probably not something to worry and stress about while I'm trying to get homework done and while we're in the car so much. So in May, getting to be diaper free begins in earnest! But today I was nursing Alaina and she started to strain and scrunch her body. As usual I thought, "Too late! Darn." but then I thought, "What the hay. I'll try and see what happens." So I undressed her, held her over the pot and whistled and lo and behold! A catch! I kept holding her over the pot after she pooped and whistled the pee whistle and she peed too! Yay! That was rewarding.

Lately, I've just been working on making the whistling sounds when I notice her going, but I haven't been taking the time to hurry to make the catch. I'm usually too caught up in everything else in my life right now. Also, Alaina tends to have a poop day about once a week where she goes poop several times that day and then not again for a whole week. It makes it hard to settle into a routine and limits the opportunities I have to notice cues. Also, on her poop day, I'm often in and out of the car, in and out of class, and it just isn't so easy to be there with her like I am on the days when I'm just home. So when school's over, I really expect things to just fall into place. It will still take some time, but by about October I'll bet she'll really be diaper free. She'll be 9 months old by then and I'll bet she'll be able to use the ASL sign for toilet by then and that she'll be able to crawl to a potty place by then too. So why use a diaper? I hope that's how it works and everything I've seen so far indicates that it will!

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